exposition terre

exposition terre

4 commentaires sur “exposition terre

  • 2 février 2017 à 22 h 42 min

    I’m not quite sure how to say this; you made it exetemrly easy for me!

  • 6 février 2017 à 13 h 52 min

    I have noticed the famous VIX/VXV ratio was 0.89 (open), 0.95(high), 0.86(low) and 0.94(close). It seems it is a sell signal, although the ratio bounded back to 0.94 at close.I wonder if this famous ratio also fails again this time or the close value must be used instead.Man

  • 7 février 2017 à 17 h 08 min

    Guindilla, yo también lo sustituyo a veces, pero estoy contigo, no es lo mismo. En muchos japoneses usan el puerro como sustituto. Me contaba una amiga japonesa que en su idioma se usa la misma palabra para llamar a las distintas variedades de tallos de “cebollinaceos” (toma palabrejo que me invento!), así que tampoco ellos saben cómo diferenciarlo

  • 15 mars 2017 à 9 h 42 min

    I love the ERGObaby Limited Edition Organic Carrier by Petunia Pickle Bottom (innsbruck design) it is so stylish and I could use it with either my 18 month (10kg) son or with the baby due in 6 weeks to make life easier as I am sure they will both want to be held.

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